What is Full Spectrum Cannabis Hash Oil?
Full Spectrum Cannabis Hash Oil is made at SkyFarm Labs’ manufacturing facility using the most recently harvested certified Cannabis L. plants (more widely known as Hemp). The harvested plant material is then put through a non-solvent, non-chemical extraction process which accumulates all of the most potent, naturally occurring, chemical compounds of the plant into a substance known as Hash. This extraction process is done without the use of harsh chemicals that can lead to residues or residuals which are common of most large-scale processing facilities. The hash is then blended in an oil to create the perfect potency of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the naturally occurring chemical compounds found in cannabis plants. Hash in essence is an accumulation of cannabinoids. These compounds interact with the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system through a biological system better known as the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).*
"The endocannabinoid system has important effects on systemic metabolism and physiological systems, including the central and peripheral nervous systems."(1)
Why is the hash's potency blended?
The brain ECS is a vital mechanism in regulating central physiological processes that include, but are not limited to , learning and memory, anxiety, depression, addiction, appetite and feeding, pain, neuronal excitability and protection against toxic and traumatic damage, the sleep/wake cycle, motor control, seizure activity and cognitive functions. (2) Creating a similar potency density balance between the chemical compounds found in the cannabinoids can promote the body’s reception or absorption through its own endocannabinoid system. Keeping the fundamental cannabinoids such as Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) paired closely by weight (mg) can help the ingestion process into the body’s endocannabinoid system. Also just as important but often neglected is the proper dosing. At SkyFarm Labs we have formulated lower doses which have been shown to have a more positive effect versus high potency dosing. "The therapeutic effects in most instances correspond to the low-dose actions of the EC system, whereas the adverse effects generally correspond to the high-dose range." (3)
Furthermore, smaller groups of cannabinoids, which are also present in hash, such as Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabichromene (CBC), and Cannabinol (CBN), are available in small amounts by weight yet these groups are just as important in the body’s ability to absorb all the compounds. Giving a better overall efficacy.*
Maintaining this combination of naturally occurring plant compounds throughout the extraction process is what coins the term “Full Spectrum”. Full spectrum refers to all the cannabinoids, which are in a plant, that are made useful to the body’s endocannabinoid system. Along with cannabinoids the plants also have naturally occurring terpenes and flavonoids. These terpenes and flavonoids work in unison with the cannabinoids to deliver the most potency throughout the body’s absorption process.
This handmade full spectrum cannabis hash oil is the number one most fundamental element in all of the products manufactured at SkyFarm Labs.
Our full spectrum cannabis hash oil is 3rd party lab tested for microbials, mycotoxins, heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, and cannabinoid profile potency. All products manufactured that contain full spectrum cannabis hash oil are then again retested by a 3rd party lab for cannabinoid profile potency. Every product has their lab report electronically attached via QR code on the package or viewable on product's page.*
*Please study cannabis research and review the compounds discussed above prior to ingestion.
**not FDA approved